Top 10 Most Active Volcanoes

1. Sakurajima, Japan

Sakurajima is located on Cherry Blossom Island, which is in Kyushu, Japan. Over time the island took over other islands nearby making it one large island. Sakurajima is part of a National Park called Kirishima- Yaku where tourists go to see the lava flows. It is a strato-volcano that has 3 peaks and is 3,665 feet tall! In January of 1914, Sakurajima's pre-eruption earthquakes killed 35 people, as well as 23 people after the eruption. The most recent eruption was in August of 2017. 

2. Yellowstone Caldera, Wyoming

Yellowstone Caldera is a volcanic caldera and a super-volcano located in Wyoming. It is part of the Yellowstone National Park. Over 2.1 million years ago, the last 3 super-eruptions caused the caldera to form. The calderas are right on top of a hotspot where hot molten rock from the mantle rises to the surface. In the last 18 million years or so this hotspot has been the source of many violent eruptions! These eruptions helped create the eastern part of the Snake River Plain. The most recent lava flow occurred about 70,000 years ago! The magma contains gases that sometimes bubble out, which causes the magma to expand. The result is an extremely  large gas explosion. 

3. Grimsvotn, Iceland

Grimsvotn is a basaltic volcano located in Southeast Iceland. The highest point of elevation is 5,659 feet tall! It has the highest eruption frequency of all volcanoes in Iceland. The most recent eruption was on May 21st of 2011, which was accompanied by multiple earthquakes. The ash cloud rose to 12 miles high and 900 flights were cancelled in Europe because it was too dangerous to fly over. 

4. Mount Etna, Italy

Mount Etna is a strato-volcano located on the east coast of Sicily, Italy. The elevation is 10,922 feet high and it is also one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Most of the eruptions occur at the summit where five craters reside. Summit eruptions are highly explosive but rarely threatens the area around it. In 122 BC, there was a violent eruption that caused many roofs to collapse in the town of Catania. The most recent eruption was on March 16th 2017 which injured 10 people when the magma came in contact with snow.

5. Galeras, Colombia 

Galeras is a strato-volcano that is located in Colombia. The highest elevation point is 14,029 feet tall and it is the most active volcano is Colombia. On January 14th 1993, Galeras erupted and killed 6 volcanologists and 3 tourists that were inside the crater when it exploded. On February 14th 2009, the volcano erupted and caused 8,000 residents to evacuate. In 2010, another eruption occurred which sent an ash plume into the air. Galeras has been active for more than 1 million years.

6. Mauna Loa, Hawaii

Mauna Loa is a shield volcano that is located in Hawaii. It is the largest volcano on Earth with a elevation of 13,679 feet tall! This volcano has been erupting for 700,000 years. In 1868 Hawaii had the largest recorded earthquake in the history of it's islands. The earthquake led to a tsunami that killed between 31 and 77 people. In 1942 Mauna Loa erupted 4 months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. It created a problem during war time in the United States. 

7. Volcan de Colima, Mexico

The Volcan de Colima is a strato-volcano that is located in Mexico. It is one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico which reaches 12,533 feet in elevation! On May 24th 2005, a large eruption occurred that caused an ash cloud to rise more than 3 km over the volcano. In 2016, there were multiple eruptions that sent smoke and ash 10,000 feet into the sky. 

8. Mount Merapi, Indonesia 

Mount Merapi is a strato-volcano located in Indonesia, on the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. Mount Merapi is Indonesian for Mountain of Fire. It is the most active volcano in Indonesia that has been erupting regularly since 1548 and is 9,610 feet tall! On November 22nd 1994, a large eruption killed 27 people from the town close by named Muntilan. On November 18th 2013, the volcano erupted and sent smoke 2,000 meters high. The eruption was due to the combination of hot volcanic gases and abundant rainfall. 

9. Pacaya, Guatemala

Pacaya is a complex volcano that is located in Guatemala. The highest point of elevation is 2,552 feet. The volcano is now a part of the Pacaya National Park, which is a popular tourist attraction that is close to Antigua and southwest of Guatemala City. On May 27th 2010, an eruption occurred, which sent debris and ash 1,500 meters in the sky.  A news reporter named Anibal Archila was killed by the volcanic debris while recording live news. The National Coordinator for Disaster Reduction told communities near the volcano to evacuate.

10. Mount Erebus, Antarctica 

Mount Erebus is a polygenetic strato-volcano that is located in Antarctica. The elevation of Mount Erebus is 12,448 feet and it is located on Ross Island. The island was discovered by Sir James Clark Ross on January 27th 1841. This volcano has been active for millions of years and is the second tallest volcano in Antarctica. Mount Erebus has multiple ice fumaroles which are ice towers that form around gases that have escaped to the surface. In 1992, an 8 legged robotic explorer went inside of the volcano to receive gas samples of the magma.


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